The Archdeacon Buckle Memorial Archive (ABMA) is in the Church of St. Mary the Virgin Craigmillar Avenue, St. John’s. It is named after the late Archdeacon of Labrador, the Venerable Francis Buckle. Archdeacon Buckle used the archive extensively. He had written several books about the history of the Anglican Church in Labrador.

Archive Mandate

The purpose of ABMA is to collect, arrange, describe and preserve the permanent records and related papers of the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador and to make them available as required.

NOTE: Owing to limited space ABMA reserves the right to decline material that does not fit its mandate.

The archive holds a large number of documents pertaining to the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, formerly the Diocese of Newfoundland. It is the repository of all the bishops’ papers of the Diocese of Newfoundland/Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador.

ABMA is dedicated to the acquisition and preservation of archival material related to the history of the Diocese.

Governance: ABMA is responsible to the Diocesan Synod of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador.

Hours of Operation and Contact Information:  Covid-19 has necessitated the closing of the archive to in person visits. We hope that we will be able to lift that restriction soon. Visiting the archive is by appointment only.

Fees for Service: Certificates of Baptism and Marriage $25.00

Research by archivist: $40.00/hr.

Request for Information Form:  Please fill in the linked form with the fee enclosed for research.  Request for Information

ABMA does not collect Bibles, prayer books or hymn books with the exception of rare editions or an historically dedicated volume. Owing to limited space the ABMA does not collect artifacts.

Contact Us:  Sorry for the inconvenience, the Archives is temporarily closed.

ABMA Archivist:

1 Cornwall Crescent, St. John’s, NL, A1E 1Z4

Please visit the diocesan website regularly for archive updates