The Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador provides a ministry of pastoral care to hospitals in St. John’s.

Upon admission patients are offered the opportunity to have a chaplain visit during a hospital stay. The chaplain represents the Anglican Church is available to serve you though visitation, counselling, prayer and sacramental ministry through Holy Communion, Holy Unction (anointing with oil) and the Laying on of Hands with Prayer. The Chaplain visits regularly and will contact patients shortly after admission. If you specially want to contact the Chaplain, ask a staff person to make contact for you. An Anglican Chaplain is available twenty-four (24) hours every day, seven (7) days a week upon request. There are a number of trained lay volunteer visitors who provide friendly visits under the direction of the Chaplains.

Holy Communion is celebrated in the hospital chapel. If a patient cannot attend the chapel worship or wants communion at other times, the Chaplain or a Eucharistic Minister will come to their bedside with the Blessed Sacrament.

Anointing with oil is an age-old way to signify a blessing from God. It can also be used in times of sickness. In this service, holy oil (blessed by the Bishop) is put on the forehead. See BCP, page 584 and BAS, page 554.  The Sacraments of Confession and Anointing are also available at the patient’s bedside. Please ask the Chaplain or have a nurse make the request.

The Laying on of Hands and Prayer are the usual means of requesting the help of God and obtaining a blessing. The Chaplain prays with patients when appropriate or desired.

There should be a New Testament in the bedside table. If there is not, please ask for one.

Funds for the Anglican Chaplaincy are provided by the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador through the assessments to parishes and by donations directly to the Diocese,22 Church Hill , St. John’s, NL A1C 3Z9.

Holy Eucharist


  • St. Clare’s Chapel (main entrance) 10:30 a.m. (Unless otherwise announced)
  • Health Sciences Centre (Main lobby) 10:30 a.m. (Unless otherwise announced)


The Rev. Canon Edward Keeping

Pastoral Care and Ethics
300 Prince Philip Drive
St. John’s, NL A1B 3V6
709-570-1757 (pager) (Sun-Thurs 7am-5pm)
709-570-1764 (all other times)

The Rev. David Pilling

Pastoral Care and Ethics
154 LeMarchant Road
St. John’s, NL A1C 5B8
709-570-1758 (pager) (Sun-Thurs 7am-5pm)
709-570-1764 (Sun-Thur 5pm-7am

The Rev. Canon Iliffe Sheppard (weekend on-call chaplain)

709-570-1760 (pager) (Thurs 5 pm- Sat 11 pm)

The Anglican, Roman Catholic, Salvation Army, and United Church Denominations work together to ensure a chaplain is always available for patients and families at the General Hospital, the Janeway Hospital, the L.A. Miller Centre, St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital and Waterford Hospital. The Chaplain On Call will respond to calls for pastoral care. The Chaplains On Call are all qualified and competent to provide pastoral support and spiritual care. The Chaplain On Call will also contact your denominational chaplain, if needed or requested. The denominational chaplain will visit you on their regular rounds and as requested.