Queen’s College was established in 1841 as The Theological Institute by The Right Reverend Aubrey George Spencer, appointed in 1839 as the first bishop of the Diocese of Newfoundland. His successor, The Right Reverend Edward Feild, reestablished The Institute in a new building and named it Queen’s College in honour of Queen Victoria and The Queen’s College, Oxford, his alma mater. Its prime purpose was then, and is now, to offer training leading to ordination.
Since that time the College has expanded its programs to include persons who wish to pursue the study of theology without seeking ordination. The Faculty consists of four full-time and eleven adjunct members. A network of trained supervisors, both in Clinical Pastoral Education and Parish Internship programs, also form an integral part of the College’s life.
Queen’s College celebrates its past with thanksgiving and anticipates its future with hope.
The College is incorporated under an Act of the Provincial Legislature which grants it the authority to confer appropriate degrees in theology.
For more information on Queen’s College, visit http://www.queenscollegenl.ca
Queen’s College Convocation – November 6, 2014
Queen’s College Convocation will be held on Thursday, November 6th, 2014, at 8:00 p.m. at St. Michael and All Angels Parish, 75 Kiwanis Street, St. John’s.
At this Convocation our Master of Divinity, and Master of Theological Studies degrees will be conferred and our Associate in Theology, Diploma in Ministry, and Youth Ministry will be awarded. The Rev’d Canon Dr. Judy Rois, Executive Director of the Anglican Foundation of Canada, will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Divinity honoris causa. The Convocation Speaker will be The Most Rev’d Colin Johnson, Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario, Bishop of Toronto and Bishop of Moosonee. We have invited the Premier and the President of Memorial University to bring greetings. This will be followed by the traditional “cup of tea” in the parish, providing an opportunity for us to greet one another.
Please come join us on this important occasion in our life as the province’s only theological college, and in the lives of future leaders in the Church of Newfoundland and Labrador. It would be greatly appreciated if, closer to the time, you would make this information known to your parishioners.