Memorial University Chaplaincy

Anglican Chaplaincy at Memorial University’s St. John’s Campus is sponsored by the Dioceses of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador and Central Newfoundland, and is hosted through the Parish of St. Augustine in St. John’s.

Our Chaplain, the Reverend Dr. Rudolph Anthony, works as part of a team of Chaplains to provide Spiritual guidance, counselling, and ministry, to people of all faiths within the University community. Currently there are Chaplains representing the Anglican, Salvation Army and Pentecostal denominations, and the Muslim faith.

The Chaplaincy Office is located in the Counselling Centre, UC-5001B of the University Centre, but the Chaplains can often be found at other locations throughout the Campus.

Find out more about University Chaplaincy:

Anglican Chaplain:
Contact information for the Reverend Rudolph Anthony
phone: 864-2550

For a listing of Chaplaincy events:

Anglican Worship on Campus

With an active Parish on one end of Campus and a Theological College on the other end, there are plenty of opportunities for Anglicans to worship on Campus. If you would like to see something a little different for Anglican Students, I would be happy to help develop something. Just contact me at

St. Augustine’s Anglican Parish

Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m. (BCP); 10 a.m. (BAS Family Service)
There are also special events and services throughout the year.

Queen’s College Faculty of Theology

Queen’s College hosts a Eucharist at 12 noon every Wednesday and Friday during the semester. Please contact the College for more information.