Bishop’s Challenge to Youthadmin2016-12-15T14:50:44+00:00

On December 4, 2016, thirty-seven young people from the Parish of St. Lawrence, Portugal Cove received a certificate of recognition for the Bishop’s Challenge. Their volunteer work includes everything from running our Nursery program, to planning, preparing and executing a Parish dinner theatre, to being Junior Counsellors at the Lavrock Summer Camp. They are involved in many different aspects of Parish and Community life. Together, they accumulated 1451 volunteer hours from April to October!
“I am announcing a new initiative for our Diocese and indeed for the Anglican Church of Canada to be called the Bishop’s Challenge to Youth. It is designed for the Youth of our Church, of other churches, and of no church, enabling them to come together in service and fellowship, and to even earn volunteer hours with our Diocese and other partners. It will connect Youth with things that are meaningful for them, and the structure will be adaptable to their local situations. There will be an annual gathering with the Bishop. There will be levels of participation and recognition of achievement. It will be a challenge to our Youth to live their faith; to make a difference in their communities; to be the Church in the World! It is also a challenge to this Diocese to embrace the God-given treasure we have in our young people.”
– From a Sermon given by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Peddle at the Opening Service of the Twentieth-Eighth Diocesan Synod of the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, May 23, 2014
For more information on how to participate in the Bishop’s Challenge to Youth, email Archdeacon Sam Rose at