As Anglicans, we are called to obey our Lord’s commission: “Go, then to all people everywhere and make them my disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.”
Our Diocese is an integral part of the body of Christ – a Church empowered by the Spirit through the study of Scripture and the worship of God; proclaiming the good news, as it reaches out in love to relieve the burdens and hurts in the world and affirming the joys.
Therefore, with grateful hearts, we covenant to:
  • worship and praise Almighty God;
  • provide the means for spiritual growth;
  • interpret the teaching of Jesus for our time;
  • teach Christian doctrine in the Anglican tradition;
  • proclaim the gospel message through witness and evangelism;
  • challenge injustices;
  • pray for and nurture our Christian community and the world;
  • be faithful to our Anglican identity shaped by scripture,tradition, reason and experience; and
  • be faithful, wise and responsible stewards of God’s gifts of creation, redemption and empowerment.